12 Best Combo with Spell Card Clash Clone Royale
This card combos rated highly OP by many players! 12 This is the best card Kombo using Clone Spell Card Clash Royale. Not long ago Supercell has released a new card in the game Clash Royale namely Spell Clone. With the latest spell cards, card combo created a very unique and interesting to be able to defeat the enemy in the arena Clash Royale. Well, there are some cards that are very suitable dikombokan with Spell Card Clash Royale Clone this. In fact, some people say that this card is very OP combo! Intrigued by the OP cards when combined with the Clone Spell Card Clash Royale? Immediately, this is the tenth best card combo with Spell Clone Clash Royale. Lava Hound This time you will be a lot to meet with Lava Hound, especially when the enemy has a Spell Card Clone. When Lava Hound dead clone, clones Lava Pups will also come out! Just imagine, Lava Lava Hound Pups from one alone is troublesome, this time are doubled! Although ...